Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Galaxy Quest Effect

One of the most delightful movies I've ever seen is Galaxy Quest, about a faux Star Trek cast thrust into a real life space adventure. The parody of the whole Star Trek schtick is what is most fun, but I just thought about how much it highlights the need for each of us to live out the adventure.

The distinction between what is real and what is make-believe is so pronounced, with a very generously positive nod to the make-believe as a vehicle for us to get in touch with those desires.

Stories have consequences. Someone once said -- forgive me I do remember who it was -- "Our imagination can enrich us or it can be our master." That's an extraordinarily rough paraphrase, but our imaginations can help us see and find the deepest meaning of that adventure... or sadly, can be used by powerful individuals to convince us that what's true and real is what they tell us it is.

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