Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Truly Free Market

I've been reading a few books lately that interest me, and it seems everyone is upset that the free market isn't really free. That there is no real free market. That government must be in the picture to keep awful people from being awful so -- really, no free market, huh.

The truth is that it is completely wholly fully totally free -- that is, in the sense that people pay freely for a good or service and get that good or service. Government is really just one of those services people choose to buy. Government is really just part of the free market.

Don't want its services? Don't buy its product. Don't want to enter a contract that enslaves you to someone you've assigned to govern your affairs, don't sign on the dotted line.

Virtually every single person would then ask, "Don't you have to pay taxes?"

Do you?

Have you ever examined all the assumptions about taxes, and what the law is really about? If you live thoroughly by the World, you will only know of the World's perspective.

There is also the Kingdom's.

Except that, if you're going to remain awful, then the World may be just the right fit.