Sunday, March 30, 2008

How Authentic is Good?

Berke Breathed, the mind behind Opus, is on an authenticity kick. I love it. His Bloom County was the greatest strip there ever was, because it so deeply penetrated the realm of truth. He's now running Opus, and here's his latest Sunday paper offering, here.

I am big on authenticity. Really big. Phoniness is something that I want to run from at five thousand miles per second. But the question here for consideration, something I've thought about for some time, is this:

To what extent can one be authentically unrighteous?

Is it perfectly fine for the gods of authenticity if one is perfectly authentic in his deceit, folly, arrogance, stupidity-- if one is so putridly awful, so wretchedly murderous-- could it not be okay if that is who he or she authentically is?

Of course I have my own thoughts. But for now, there it is.