Friday, December 15, 2023

The Ecclesiocracy Depends on the Lie

The more I see people rail against the evils they see metastasizing in our social and political institutions, the more, the more I see how much people allow themselves to be deceived. One of the most powerful deceits is the Official Lie -- and no matter how much people screech against its lethal effects, they deceive themselves in refusing to see the truth that it must be.

The ruling elite as servants of Cain and his legacy of the most ruthless law enforcement must utilize the Official Lie in doing their proper work. One critical element of that extraordinarily elaborate deceit is this quite substantive lie:

You have freedoms the government is expected to protect.

Now yes I do get that we like to have the "freedom" to live our lives, make our own decisions, care for our families and communities, and enjoy our work and livelihoods with as little outside interference as possible. "Freedom of Speech!" "Freedom of Religion!" "Freedom of Association!" and all the rest of it.

But they are lies if one is lost in the dissolution of his own evildoing.

This is Scripture.

The freedom things are nice things but let's face the truth, they mean nothing if we're out deceiving ourselves about our own desperate situation. Every one of us is destined for Hell if we don't come to terms with this reality and seek a very gracious, self-sacrificial redemption by a God who in His mercy provided that for us.

All kinds of things out there happening make this truth about the lie quite plain. I can't tell how many times I read people say things like, "I'm standing on my beliefs, and I have my freedoms" as if that really means squat to those in power who are actively eviscerating what you think you are able to do.

A simple example is the Covid thing. It was a total scam from day one. But instead of people insisting "It is the truth that lockdown anything must not be," we got "Others may do all the masking and vaxxing and all the rest of it -- it is just not for me, let me be free." 


The truth is the Covid lockdown protocol stuff was truthfully evil across the board, for everyone, everywhere. Sure people could have been free to do any of it, but the truth about it had nothing to do with anyone's freedom to do one thing or another. In fact the further truth is powerful forces put it in place specifically to achieve some public policy end, whatever that was or will be.

There are dozens of others.

One of the main reasons people are so afraid to stand on the truth is it has been established by World System mandarins that if you say something is categorically true, you are dangerously intolerant. What is so funny about that claim is that those who say "You can't say something is true or you're some kind of bigot" are making a truth claim!

No big deal to them, because they are indeed relying on the Main Lie, and you can find out about that in the third chapter of the book of Genesis. You can see it there plainly if you look.

"You can be just like God."

As much as anyone buys into this truth, they don't believe there is any real objective standard to which they must adhere -- after all, as their own god they can decide whatever standard they want. After all, they are free, right? It really is the linchpin of the main civil religion of the day, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. God's not around so I'll just show everyone I'm my own god and I can be really good and mentally healthy.

What a prison.

Again, there can only be freedom in Christ. He is the only Place it is offered, the only Place where anyone can truly have freedom -- from the evil that institutions do, from the wounds inflicted by other people, even from the nastiness deep within one's self.

Want truth?

Seek the Kingdom.


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