Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Spirit of Truth

In spending time in John's writings I can't help but be overwhelmed by the emphatic way Jesus is Truth. If you look particularly at the sixth verse, fourth chapter of his first letter, you'll see a note about the "Spirit of Truth." It is so clear, if you don't have Christ, you can't know truth. Those without Christ are merely given over to falsehood. 

All the time, every time.

It doesn't matter if the World does its splashy thing, you know, shows you newer imaginative parts of the spectacle to keep you believing they have the truth. They do it all the time. They've done it for millennia. People continue to be stupid. It does hurt to watch, but it is what it is.

Yet it is so clear. Know Christ, and know truth. Scripture goes so far as to proclaim Jesus Himself is The Truth. Oh, many people have their Jesuses. All different concoctions that make them feel good -- with no real truth involved. It is extraordinarily sad that so many live their entire benighted lives devoted to the chronic deceit.

Well, sad too is the truth that what I'm sharing here isn't anything novel or revolutionary. At all. All I do with my webzine ministry and my blog writing is hope, and pray, that whoever comes across it will turn to The One Who Is Truth. Maybe something will click. That's all.


Friday, December 15, 2023

The Ecclesiocracy Depends on the Lie

The more I see people rail against the evils they see metastasizing in our social and political institutions, the more, the more I see how much people allow themselves to be deceived. One of the most powerful deceits is the Official Lie -- and no matter how much people screech against its lethal effects, they deceive themselves in refusing to see the truth that it must be.

The ruling elite as servants of Cain and his legacy of the most ruthless law enforcement must utilize the Official Lie in doing their proper work. One critical element of that extraordinarily elaborate deceit is this quite substantive lie:

You have freedoms the government is expected to protect.

Now yes I do get that we like to have the "freedom" to live our lives, make our own decisions, care for our families and communities, and enjoy our work and livelihoods with as little outside interference as possible. "Freedom of Speech!" "Freedom of Religion!" "Freedom of Association!" and all the rest of it.

But they are lies if one is lost in the dissolution of his own evildoing.

This is Scripture.

The freedom things are nice things but let's face the truth, they mean nothing if we're out deceiving ourselves about our own desperate situation. Every one of us is destined for Hell if we don't come to terms with this reality and seek a very gracious, self-sacrificial redemption by a God who in His mercy provided that for us.

All kinds of things out there happening make this truth about the lie quite plain. I can't tell how many times I read people say things like, "I'm standing on my beliefs, and I have my freedoms" as if that really means squat to those in power who are actively eviscerating what you think you are able to do.

A simple example is the Covid thing. It was a total scam from day one. But instead of people insisting "It is the truth that lockdown anything must not be," we got "Others may do all the masking and vaxxing and all the rest of it -- it is just not for me, let me be free." 


The truth is the Covid lockdown protocol stuff was truthfully evil across the board, for everyone, everywhere. Sure people could have been free to do any of it, but the truth about it had nothing to do with anyone's freedom to do one thing or another. In fact the further truth is powerful forces put it in place specifically to achieve some public policy end, whatever that was or will be.

There are dozens of others.

One of the main reasons people are so afraid to stand on the truth is it has been established by World System mandarins that if you say something is categorically true, you are dangerously intolerant. What is so funny about that claim is that those who say "You can't say something is true or you're some kind of bigot" are making a truth claim!

No big deal to them, because they are indeed relying on the Main Lie, and you can find out about that in the third chapter of the book of Genesis. You can see it there plainly if you look.

"You can be just like God."

As much as anyone buys into this truth, they don't believe there is any real objective standard to which they must adhere -- after all, as their own god they can decide whatever standard they want. After all, they are free, right? It really is the linchpin of the main civil religion of the day, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. God's not around so I'll just show everyone I'm my own god and I can be really good and mentally healthy.

What a prison.

Again, there can only be freedom in Christ. He is the only Place it is offered, the only Place where anyone can truly have freedom -- from the evil that institutions do, from the wounds inflicted by other people, even from the nastiness deep within one's self.

Want truth?

Seek the Kingdom.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Big Lie Has a Big Purpose

I was perusing some of the images I've saved from the web, and I came across this one. It is a generally standard-issue meme with a "The Matrix" context, and it is among any number of them that are pretty telling about the way the World really works.

I wanted to post this one here because of a couple things. The World System must employ all facets of what could be called The Big Lie because the world is populated with so many liars itself. All those people in positions of authoritative power absolutely must behave in all those ways cited in the meme in order to proficiently govern by doing all the things they must do perpetuated among the populace. All too often I see that clip of George Carlin telling his audience, "It is one big club and you ain't in it." Well, in a way, you are.

Legitimate law enforcement cannot happen without its practitioners being really well-versed in those things so they know precisely what they must do to prosecute evil effectively. Does that involve the most imaginative ruses to ensure they may dutifully accomplish what they must? Of course. That also means they must still declare their authority through iconographic signatures and that their activity does proceed from what is essentially the official Legacy of Cain, the one sent from God's presence to do all this through the establishment of a city and the fulfillment of the proper administrative duties therein.

The meme was likely designed to get people riled up about those baaad government people so they'll do something to resist or rebel or remonstrate in a rage once they look through the lens of the computer that shows the digital footprint of those forces -- or more traditionally: they pull back the green curtain and see what kind of people are actually pulling the ropes and levers. You may sneer and snarl and screech at them even finding out who exactly they are, but they eat that stuff up.

Thing is, again, they are supposed to be doing that stuff. They do it on behalf of people who are just like they are, and sure enough, you get all the horrors afflicting the planet today. Do we need to list them all? The Ukraine war racketeering? The climate change alarmist destruction? The sodomist racialist wokeness mandates that absolutely wreck healthy sexualities, family integrity, and community vibrancy? And so much more?

Those things are going to metastasize and spitting against them may be thrilling, especially when you can join with so many to object. Or you may simply be someone who is really into those things in the name of the best virtue-signaling. How courageous! It may feel really good.

But it won't get you life.

Only Jesus Christ and accepting His invitation into the Kingdom will do that.

There you'll find Him, who is known as Grace and Truth.


Friday, August 5, 2022

The Authorized Lying

There has been a bit of news coverage about the Alex Jones trial. I don't know a lot about it but from what I gather he's in trouble for using his InfoWars platform to lie and hurt people doing so. Specifically he said some things about the Sandy Hook school massacre that those related to the victims did not like. I do not know the details of what was said and what legitimate harms resulted, but it seems to me that Alex Jones is essentially being prosecuted because a lot of people consider him the most evil person on the planet.

"How could you say those things? And so forcefully too? For shame Alex Jones!"

Again, I myself really do not know the extent of what Jones said or did or the actual merits of those things. What is so striking is that if Alex Jones gets in such trouble for lying so egregiously through a modestly large broadcasting channel, why aren't half the mainstream media outlets undergoing the same prosecutorial treatment? How about a simple catalog of their incessantly bleated lies -- there is a pretty good one over at Edward Ring's latest piece.

Why don't those lethal deceptions qualify for a day in court, with the media personnel responsible made liable, made to be put on the stand for maximum ridicule, just like Alex Jones was? Much of the reason is simply because those lies are the authorized ones perpetuated by Cain's Legacy for the purpose of constraining the World faithful. They may be the most wicked lies, but if they work, then what of it?

I can't help but add a link to this piece, which really is the one that inspired me to put up this post. It is at Brownstone, Ramesh Thakur's "Tyranny of the Coronaphobia." There he makes one of the best cases about why these people should get the same treatment Alex Jones does, for the same presumed absurdities they're leveling against Jones -- here's a good one: 

I wonder, too, if we have set ourselves up to repeat the folly every year with annual outbreaks of flu, especially if it is a bad flu season. If not, why not? Perhaps someone will come up with the slogan ‘Flu Lives Matter’. Or governments could just pass laws making it illegal for anyone to fall sick and die.

But then, it is the truth that government entities (including the hegemonic corporate, financial, and ecclesiastical branches) must appear to be doing all kinds of splendiforous things for people so it may do its legitimate job, no matter how much those in it lie. So many people then bow to its deceitful dictates because they known nothing about Truth and Grace.

That Truth and Grace thing? That's Christ. He's over in the Kingdom, by the way.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Why The Covid Lie Is What It Is

Just wanted to share this bit from Scott Morefield's latest. It lays out precisely why the mask and vax mandates are a murderous lie from Hell, and anyone who is in on it all are complicit in the destruction. It isn't about "conscientious objection" or "religious liberty." It is purely, wholly, absolutely about godlessness and the desire for those who see it for what it is to turn and enthusiastically abide in The Truth.

I'm seeing more and more people tell it like it is, and Mr. Morefield has for months now been pretty close to one of those people:

In truth, Jesus commanded us to love the Lord first with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, then to love our neighbors as ourselves. How then are we to love the Lord with our minds if we dismiss data and evidence on a topic that goes against our presuppositions or a prevailing narrative? How are we to ‘love’ our neighbors while at the same time bearing false witness to them? Is our duty to make them “feel better” or to tell them the truth? What would Jesus have done? In an age where masking has become a talisman, even an idol of sorts to people desperate to find something, anything that ‘controls’ something that is ultimately proving to be uncontrollable, would the Son of God have given people comfort by lying to them or by telling them the truth?

No, I don’t believe Jesus Christ would have put on a mask any more than I think he would have pretended a blood sacrifice to a graven image would have brought rain during a time of drought. And when at all possible, you shouldn’t either. 

I'd also like to share with you a link to this page. There you'll see the Legacy of Cain and its ruthless program of psy-op law enforcement all over the place. I weep when reading this because I've been crushed discovering how many of my own family members and very good friends, people we've broken bread with and had vibrant meaningful conversation with, indeed sowed much of one another into each others' lives -- are now such willing executioners. It breaks my heart.

Crazy that I read this now and remember how I posted in my webzine on this very thing a number of years ago. That these people believe with all their hearts they are doing so right and good and true, and they are only boastfully bleating their faux virtue just like Mr. Hoffmann. How many masked, vaxxed, and vicious Mr. Hoffmann's are there? 

Absolutely clueless about the reality of their destiny? No clue whatsoever about the condition of their soul, only that they look good feeling like they are being upright and wholesome and not-subject-to-glowers-by-their-fellow-uprighters-and-wholesomers?

Just a disclaimer, and forgive me, but a sincere one. I'm nothing much more. I'm a rank virtue-signaler too. I can sanctimoniously deny making lampshades from human flesh with the best of them. I work like a banshee to defend my pitiful excuse for honor with the greatest rhetorical skill I can muster.


No wonder Jesus called out the evil for what it was more than anyone on the planet -- so we could see how phenomenally in need we are of Him and His work out of the greatest love we can never fully fathom. 

But yeah, He was also quite unequivocal:

You've got to lose that self.

It's a choice. It is indeed either "Oh yeah I'm a proud mask-wearer and vax-pounder because I'm a good guy dammit!" or

"I'm nothing but dust, really, in the end, and all I want is what is True, and yeah, what is Gracious, for whatever it is I have to offer, that's all."


Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Mass Identity Formation of The Great Reset

When I was in junior high school, a teacher showed us the film Future Shock with Orson Welles as host to give gravitas to the expose of massive technological disruption. Right at the beginning of the film were a man and a woman walking through a beautiful wood wearing the ghastliest masks. Who knows why they had them wrapped around their faces, the image was harrowing and never left me. 

This widespread idea that everyone must wear a mask has captivated so many. I sometimes enjoy strolling through a park in a municipal area that is pandemically paranoid about government enforcement of draconian mask requirements. Everyone there is wearing a mask. Everyone, including the small children playing on the playground. They are simply choosing to heed to the dictates of their superiors deceitfully telling them they're listening to the the science rather than industriously looking at the actual science.

The prevailing meme now is "Kindness is everything..." until you are not being kind by virtue of their definition of kindness

Not wearing a mask? You are being unkind. Not joining with Joe Biden's technocrats demanding you give up your job so we can have perfectly clean air? Exceptionally unkind. Not celebrating the bold brave declarations of the nouveau sexually immoral? How terribly unkind.

I recently saw something that said if 25% of a population believes something, then that is the threshold of critical mass and that belief will be permanently entrenched in the mainstream. Hmm, seems 80 million are said to have voted for Joe Biden in this very recent presidential election, and 80 million really is pretty close to a quarter of 330 million in the US population. Even though it is definitely not 80 million without the 10-20 million fraudulent ballots in the mix, it certainly does give the powerful impression it is critical mass.

The Great Reset is a reality to anticipate, and all you need is to look at the New York Times calling fears about it yet another "conspiracy theory" to know how horrific that future will be. When the Davos power players get their way and fully commandeer all productive resources in the name of kindness -- socialism advances in no other way -- then steel yourselves.

Of course the only way that can happen in real actual reality is if you are covered in the saving blood of Christ. When the events of The Revelation start happening -- and The Great Reset is a splendid exposition of what will be in place to usher in those things -- you want The Deliverer on your side. Not only can you not prevent the lethal effects of the massive dissipation, but as it says in Scripture you will want the mountains to crush you quickly.

Otherwise, all those people in masks? Really no different than the Future Shock couple, proudly virtue-signaling to everyone that they are fully on board with The Great Reset program.

Oh that they'd instead be introduced to The One who loves them enough to seal them with His Name.


Friday, November 29, 2019

The Legitimate Disinformation Campaign

It has been going on for millennia, and it won't stop any time soon.

I came across this fine piece examining what the System does to exploit one's refusal to allow Christ to be his or her discernment of truthful things. It is about the CrowdStrike conspiracy truth, and please know I don't favor or reject Donald Trump one way or the other. I'm not Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I have no animosity toward anyone, and God has taught me that fiercely propelling any kind of active objection to anything government does is a thoroughly futile effort that will mostly end up as some measure of fuel for the System's machinations.

I'm sharing this because the System will always use disinformation not only to rile up people into some form of rebellion, but to keep them from murdering one another by seeking their undying allegiance to System Ops. Human sacrifice will still be employed, indeed, but only as the victims allow themselves to be put on the altar.

The CrowdStrike incident? That is piddle compared to the much more significant ways the media/academia nexus employs disinformation to keep people hooked on the program. Christ uses it as His footstool for the purpose of drawing people to Him from their realization of the darkness of their own condition requiring such crushing legislation, enforcement, and adjudication against them.

In fact recently I saw a piece about how Ben Sharpiro's screeching about freedom of speech at Stanford University forced the provost there to double-down and issue an order of "inclusion," that they will do all they can to enforce gender identification requirements that are not only absurd but demonstrate how much these people, Shapiro, the provost, all the World devotees, are so consumed by the disinformation.

The culture war is so much fun.