Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Big Lie Has a Big Purpose

I was perusing some of the images I've saved from the web, and I came across this one. It is a generally standard-issue meme with a "The Matrix" context, and it is among any number of them that are pretty telling about the way the World really works.

I wanted to post this one here because of a couple things. The World System must employ all facets of what could be called The Big Lie because the world is populated with so many liars itself. All those people in positions of authoritative power absolutely must behave in all those ways cited in the meme in order to proficiently govern by doing all the things they must do perpetuated among the populace. All too often I see that clip of George Carlin telling his audience, "It is one big club and you ain't in it." Well, in a way, you are.

Legitimate law enforcement cannot happen without its practitioners being really well-versed in those things so they know precisely what they must do to prosecute evil effectively. Does that involve the most imaginative ruses to ensure they may dutifully accomplish what they must? Of course. That also means they must still declare their authority through iconographic signatures and that their activity does proceed from what is essentially the official Legacy of Cain, the one sent from God's presence to do all this through the establishment of a city and the fulfillment of the proper administrative duties therein.

The meme was likely designed to get people riled up about those baaad government people so they'll do something to resist or rebel or remonstrate in a rage once they look through the lens of the computer that shows the digital footprint of those forces -- or more traditionally: they pull back the green curtain and see what kind of people are actually pulling the ropes and levers. You may sneer and snarl and screech at them even finding out who exactly they are, but they eat that stuff up.

Thing is, again, they are supposed to be doing that stuff. They do it on behalf of people who are just like they are, and sure enough, you get all the horrors afflicting the planet today. Do we need to list them all? The Ukraine war racketeering? The climate change alarmist destruction? The sodomist racialist wokeness mandates that absolutely wreck healthy sexualities, family integrity, and community vibrancy? And so much more?

Those things are going to metastasize and spitting against them may be thrilling, especially when you can join with so many to object. Or you may simply be someone who is really into those things in the name of the best virtue-signaling. How courageous! It may feel really good.

But it won't get you life.

Only Jesus Christ and accepting His invitation into the Kingdom will do that.

There you'll find Him, who is known as Grace and Truth.
