Monday, September 20, 2021

Why The Covid Lie Is What It Is

Just wanted to share this bit from Scott Morefield's latest. It lays out precisely why the mask and vax mandates are a murderous lie from Hell, and anyone who is in on it all are complicit in the destruction. It isn't about "conscientious objection" or "religious liberty." It is purely, wholly, absolutely about godlessness and the desire for those who see it for what it is to turn and enthusiastically abide in The Truth.

I'm seeing more and more people tell it like it is, and Mr. Morefield has for months now been pretty close to one of those people:

In truth, Jesus commanded us to love the Lord first with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, then to love our neighbors as ourselves. How then are we to love the Lord with our minds if we dismiss data and evidence on a topic that goes against our presuppositions or a prevailing narrative? How are we to ‘love’ our neighbors while at the same time bearing false witness to them? Is our duty to make them “feel better” or to tell them the truth? What would Jesus have done? In an age where masking has become a talisman, even an idol of sorts to people desperate to find something, anything that ‘controls’ something that is ultimately proving to be uncontrollable, would the Son of God have given people comfort by lying to them or by telling them the truth?

No, I don’t believe Jesus Christ would have put on a mask any more than I think he would have pretended a blood sacrifice to a graven image would have brought rain during a time of drought. And when at all possible, you shouldn’t either. 

I'd also like to share with you a link to this page. There you'll see the Legacy of Cain and its ruthless program of psy-op law enforcement all over the place. I weep when reading this because I've been crushed discovering how many of my own family members and very good friends, people we've broken bread with and had vibrant meaningful conversation with, indeed sowed much of one another into each others' lives -- are now such willing executioners. It breaks my heart.

Crazy that I read this now and remember how I posted in my webzine on this very thing a number of years ago. That these people believe with all their hearts they are doing so right and good and true, and they are only boastfully bleating their faux virtue just like Mr. Hoffmann. How many masked, vaxxed, and vicious Mr. Hoffmann's are there? 

Absolutely clueless about the reality of their destiny? No clue whatsoever about the condition of their soul, only that they look good feeling like they are being upright and wholesome and not-subject-to-glowers-by-their-fellow-uprighters-and-wholesomers?

Just a disclaimer, and forgive me, but a sincere one. I'm nothing much more. I'm a rank virtue-signaler too. I can sanctimoniously deny making lampshades from human flesh with the best of them. I work like a banshee to defend my pitiful excuse for honor with the greatest rhetorical skill I can muster.


No wonder Jesus called out the evil for what it was more than anyone on the planet -- so we could see how phenomenally in need we are of Him and His work out of the greatest love we can never fully fathom. 

But yeah, He was also quite unequivocal:

You've got to lose that self.

It's a choice. It is indeed either "Oh yeah I'm a proud mask-wearer and vax-pounder because I'm a good guy dammit!" or

"I'm nothing but dust, really, in the end, and all I want is what is True, and yeah, what is Gracious, for whatever it is I have to offer, that's all."
